weekly wisdom

Earlier in the year I said that as my New Year's Resolution, I was going to write down something that I've learned every day so I thought I'd share a few of my favorites since the dawn of 2014. 1. Pay for parking. I didn't know that this was a thing...until I got a $40 parking ticket. I mean, yeah, I knew you should pay, but I didn't think people actually checked if you did or not. It's like that 300 person lecture at 8:50 a.m. You should go but how do they expect you to actually make it to that? It's not like the professor is checking your attendance. These types of things are made to make you feel good about doing something; you should feel good about making it to class on Friday, not ashamed that you missed it yet again. You should feel good if you remember to throw down a couple bucks to pay to use a slack of cement for a couple of hours, not obligated to pay. Apparently, that diligent parking patrolman didn't agree with this philosophy. So...