
Showing posts from September, 2013

(healthy) celebrity diet tricks

Always in the spotlight, celebrities are faced with the constant pressure of looking good. Often times, this can lead to unhealthy behavior by the celebrities themselves or by the people idolizing them. On the other hand, there can be some tricks that we can learn from the stars. After all, they most likely have personal trainers telling them exactly what to do to achieve a body of a god/goddess. Before we begin, let me clear one thing up. If someone tells you their diet trick is to eat whatever they want, whenever they want, they're either 1) lying or 2) on the fast-track to diabetes. Some people are blessed with an insanely fast metabolism, but just because they're skinny doesn't mean they're healthy. By the way, if you're one of those people, 97% of the population probably hates you, and by that I mean absolutely envies you.  James Franco:  Clearly this kid is doing something right.

a healthy outlook on life

I found this great article and thought I should share. Too often, we tell ourselves we will be happy when something happens- when we get a raise, when we get a boyfriend, when we ace a test, when we buy a new outfit, etc. Instead we need to realize that we have everything we need and more to be happy right now.

5 Things You Learn from Sorority Recruitment

It's almost that wonderful time of year once again- Bid Day, where hundreds of girls parade through the streets to their new home, welcomed by their overly excited sisters who went through this same process a year or two ago. The active members are ecstatic to greet their  amazing, adorable, potential littles, and say farewell to hours and hours of hard preparation. Contrary to popular belief, sorority recruitment is hard work. Active members have to sing, clap, and scream simultaneously while flashing smiles that trump Julia Roberts' for at least two eight-hour days and then continue to talk to potential new members without breaking a sweat (literally and figuratively). And that's followed by a full week of practice. After going through the other side of recruitment, sorority girls develop so many more skills besides flawlessly walking in wedges and mastering the art of small talk; they can do just about anything. ...