the biggest perks of being a journalist

As journalists, we don't live the most glamorous lives. In fact, most likely our "pockets are on a diet" as 2 Chainz would so eloquently say. Meaning, right out of college we don't get jobs- we get internships. Unpaid internships. In New York City, the most expensive city to live in. So why, you might ask, would one pursue a degree in this "dying field?" Where do I even start? 1. You get to retweet yourself. You can have multiple Twitter accounts for your different internships, blogs, classes, etc. and get the thrill of retweeting yourself without judgement from others because it's all part of your job. 2. You have twice as many followers. Speaking of Twitter-and all social media for that matter- you have twice as many followers because half of them are you. The account you're in charge of for your club follows you, your multiple blog accounts follow you, your account you made for a class follows you. No one has to know the secret...