Her Campus National Intercollegiate Conference 2013

You can bet your bottom dollar that I'm going to the National Intercollegiate Conference & I cannot be more excited! Hurry and sign up for your chance to shine in the City of Lights- New York City. 

The conference is two days- Saturday July 27th and Sunday July 28th. The first day is just for Her Campus writers, so if you've ever contributed in any way, go for it. If you're more of just a reader or a writer and want to attend a second day, feel free to come to Sunday's event. 

With speakers from Cosmo, Seventeen, Self, Glamour, Random House and more you're sure to find something- or everything- that you're interested in. 

It runs from 8 am- 7:30 pm and the days are filled with activities- workshops, panels, speakers, networking opportunities, mini-manicures, a braid bar, a BCBGeneration sample sale. Get ready for it. You even get Chipotle. That's it. I'm there. 

This is the perfect way to snag some great advice from the leading professionals in the media, marketing, advertising, and entertainment fields. Plus, you'll be given the chance to meet some of them, as well as talk with other college students who have similar career goals. 

If you want more information or want to register visit http://www.hercampus.com/conference


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