What to Do BEFORE School Starts

As it gets down to the last week of winter break, I've realized how much I still have to do before school starts. The first half of break consisted of sleeping til noon, watching endless hours of Netflix (aka Gossip Girl), and hanging out with friends, which turned out to be movie nights every single night. So what have I accomplished so far? Absolutely nothing. That is if you don't count sleeping 12 hours not including occasional naps during the day. Pretty sure I set a world record with the amount of sleep I got. But hey, at least I'm finally caught up on the sleep I never got during first semester.

 Time to get crackin' on that to-do list I thought I'd have accomplished by now. Here are some things you should do while you still have extra time before you get overwhelmed by the excitement and novelty of this next semester.

P.S. If you're already back in school 1) I'm sorry but more importantly 2) try to take advantage of syllabus week and knock a couple of these off your own to-do list.

Catch up on Your Favorite TV Shows, Movies, books, and Magazine Subscriptions.
Let's face it- when will you have enough free time to actually have time to read for enjoyment? (No, reading about biology or American history doesn't count.) Funny how fast you can go through a three hundred page book for fun, but reading just five pages of material for class takes an hour. Take some time to get lost in another world. Hunger Games anyone? Or just in time for Valentine's Day why not stick to a classic Nicholas Sparks book? On second thought, that sounds like a horrible idea considering this Valentine's Day I have a date with Helen C. White also known as College Library.

For TV shows, it's important to get up-to-date since a lot of new seasons are starting up again. Watch whatever floats your boat, even if that includes Snooki & JWOWW I won't judge (although other people probably will.) Other big hits include Downton Abbey, Game of Thrones, and Psych.

Go to the movie theater. At school you'll rarely find time, transportation, or money to actually make it to the theater. So far, I've seen Les Mis  and Promise Land. Both were alright, but don't trust my opinion. I only like romantic comedies. Or comedies. Or High School Musical but that's beside the point.

Make sure to look through magazines for tips on make-up, fashion, beauty regimens, celebrity gossip and health. Be sure to take note of your favorite advice and incorporate it into your schedule this semester. You'll have heads turning with your keen fashion sense and hot new hairstyles. As for celebrity gossip, it's valuable knowledge...okay, okay maybe not but sometimes you need a good conversation starter with potential friends in your classes.

Begin the Post-holiday Cleanse Now.
It'll be so much easier gradually reducing intake of all those holiday sweets if you start now. Once school starts getting hectic, you may be tempted to turn to old habits of stress-eating, or eating one-too-many Dove chocolates. Good thing is, if you're used to healthy habits now, you'll be less likely to binge when you get overwhelmed with schoolwork.

Spend Time with Friends!
It's hard to keep in touch with friends from home while at school. People are on different schedules. And those plans to visit one another never seem to work out. Embrace the time you have with the people you like at home. Don't spend time with the people you don't like. Simple.

Just Drive. 
One of the most liberating things is getting in the car and just driving, even if you don't have a destination in mind. Turn up the music and cruise. It's just not the same jamming to your iPod on your walk to class. A little more embarrassing.

Perfect That Resume.
You never know when a job or internship opportunity will come your way. In the very least, put together a draft so that you can have it edited at your school's career center. That application will seem a lot less daunting if you have a head-start on your resume. Look up some possible jobs or internships for the summer so that you can tailor your resume to fit the position's expectations. A resume is the last thing you want to worry about when finals roll around. Snag your dream job or internship now.

Pamper Yourself. 
Nails, hair, massage- the works. You'll be refreshed and ready to tackle whatever this semester will bring. While also looking fine. ;)

Plan a Budget. 
I may or may not be addicted to online shopping. (I am.)  But seriously, I swear my paychecks disappear into thin air. Nowhere to be found. This semester, I'm determined to keep my eye on those buggers and know exactly where the money is going. Setting aside certain amounts of money for fun, traveling, food, emergencies, and of course for your savings account is crucial. With a plan, you'll be able to (maybe) resist that cute dress on Tobi. Unless it's on sale...

Set Goals.
Come with at least three goals for this next semester. Write them down and put it in a visible spot so you'll be reminded throughout this semester what you want to accomplish. Easy now, you aren't Superman. Don't set the expectations too high, but remember to always push yourself to be the best you you can be.


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